


wanny said...

ouh ni u cakap film lubitel u rosak kan? its k.first try

amsyar said...

haha yeap. ada 7 gambar je jadi tak silap
but ni je yang paling decent. haha !
and thanks. experiment roll pun actually.

Les Deux Clothing said...

Thumbs up!!! Me likey :)Dua2 first slide anda menjadi. Keep it up. Yang Lubitel tu 1, 2, n 4 santek!

amsyar said...

thanks ! :D
hope you guys restock on your slide film for me to buy ! also hope you add 120mm film in the future

Les Deux Clothing said...

Amsyar since you pro pakai smena bleh mintak tlg ajar tak? I beli smena dah lama tapi baru pakai 1 roll.tu pun tak hanta pegi develop lagi. I emel you la japgi. nak tanya soalan.kalau u busy study, u jawabla bila u free. I can wait. Thanks in advanace.haha.

Les Deux Clothing said...

Tak jadilah hantar e-mail. Kat sini jelah. Soalan pun pendek je.

Should I cock the shutter before I rewind to the next frame or should I do it after? And one more thing, kalau I cock shutter and then rewind to the next frame, boleh rosak ke camera?

lomoer said...

nice photos...but trust me...120mm susah nak pakai...hahah

amsyar said...

Lisya: tak pro. biasa je but boleh tolong :) I usually cock the shutter after winding the film. but I dnt think there's any problem if you cock it first cause i dnt think its connected to the rewinding thing. but one thing though, always remember to change the shutter speed BEFORE you cock the shutter. kalau tak boleh rosak. dia terbalik from Fed. hope I helped ! oh and you shld use your smena more. I love that little camera. :D

amsyar said...

afiq: thanks ! yeah tahu that susah nak pakai. that and mahal. luckily lubitel 166+ boleh guna 35mm jugak

Les Deux Clothing said...

Oh I see...thanks Amsyar. O..ok.For Smena I must change the shutter speed before I cock the shutter. Yup! got it. I thought sama dengan Fed. Nasib tak rosak lagi. Talking bout rosak my Fed 3 rosak la.baru nak load filem tapi shutter die buat hal.shutter curtain tak bukak masa tekan shutter button but I have contacted the seller thank god camera tu ada warranty. Its just the only hassle kena hanta kamera tu kat Ukraine. Damn far! Plus costly. So lagi 1-2 bulan lagi baru dpat test Fed3 tu :(

amsyar said...

I had the same problem. but it was actually the setting. susah nak explain but if you sedar dekat the shutter button ada letters B and C. C is for taking pictures. B is for when you want to rewind your film. I thought the camera rosak. but i didnt realise that it was actually set to B. maybe that was your camera's problem too ? :/

Les Deux Clothing said...

Nope..dah check dah. sebab lain rasanya. thanks anyway, for letting me know. Anyway, can I also ask for your advice. If you were to choose between Fed5b and Fed5c which one would you choose?

amsyar said...

oh i see. then nasib ada warranty.
of course Fed 5c because of the light meter !
it can come in handy. besides, its looks better than the 5b