

Haha since you guys figured it out
I'll tell you guys why I picked this camera instead of the LC-A+

Sure the LC-A+ is a GREAT camera.
and its takes absolutely stunning photos.
It's actually my dream to own one.
the original LC-A camera is even the reason why
Lomography was born.
But the original LC-A is the reason why I didnt buy the LC-A+.
The old original one used Russian glass lens.
The new one uses Chinese ( plastic ? ) lens.
not sure what material.
But that's not the point.
The reason why Matthias and Wolfgang created Lomography
Was because they were impressed that the original LC-A
had this effect where
its blur at the sides and it focuses mostly at the middle.
Which is now known as tunnel vision.
More or less like the Holga 120 pictures.
Also it made the pictures' colours stand out more
and the vignette was apparent

If I had an LC-A,
I would want those things in my pictures.
But with the LC-A+,
because of the chinese lens,
you dont really get the tunnel vision effect.
In order to achieve it,
you need to get the Tunnel Vision lens
LC-A+ = $
LC-A+ with Tunnel Vision Lens = $$$
and $ I do not have.
Eventho its my dad's money
I didn't wanna burden him.
Sure I could buy the Russian Lens version of the LC-A+
But why spend 2x the price
when you can buy an LC-A for so much cheaper ?

About the new features on the LC-A+,
I don't think I'll be using a film with an ISO speed of 1600.
The most is 8o0
which I dont think I'd really use anyway.
And the multiple exposure feature,
I can just do a little modification on the old LC-A
to get it.
So yeah, no LC-A+

About the Lubitel.
I've wanted a TLR for a looooong time.
Originally I wanted the Blackbird,Fly
But seriously,
The viewfinder on that thing is a way off.
I dont wanna pay rm400+ for something that wouldnt please me.
The Lubitel's viewfinder however
Is somewhat connected to the shutter.
So what you see on the viewfinder
Is one you get.
Plus point.

Most TLR uses 120mm film.
Not a good thing.
120mm film = $$$
But with the Lubitel 166+
You can use both 35mm and 120mm !
Its got a rewind crank that you can use on the both size films.
It comes with a special 35mm film holder
and take up spool so you dont have to modify it.
Film mask,
Frame counter,
Its got everything you need for using 35mm !
Plus I didnt need to learn anything new
If you know how to use a Smena 8m,
Then you surely can use a Lubitel.
You just need to get used to the viewfinder.
It can do multiple exposures
Pictures are clear,
Alotta things !

So yeah,
That's why I chose the Lubitel instead of the LC-A+
all these are just my opinion tho.

And wow,
to think that I thought of all this under
5 minutes ?
cause I was in the shop and all.
I may be a Lomo freak after all :/


wanny said...

now i know.fuyoo. bertambah your collection.cepat tangkap gambar kasi upload!

i rasa i bakal jadi lomo freak jugak.
i dont know why am i so excited bila lomo-ing.
hari2 buka website lomo nak study about analog cameras.padahal baru try satu roll. but its good.finally i have something to do.before this i takda hobby langsung. haha

amsyar said...

dah guna satu roll. tapi I dont think gambar keluar. cause that day a problem pastu I bukak. I think the film macam dah exposed to light. But mana tahu kan ?

haha sama la kita ! before I tahu pasal lomo ni, I macam selalu nothing to do. but bila ada lomo, rasa happy je. I sampai sekarang everyday bukak website baca pasal lomo :D

wanny said...

cool gila lubitel boleh guna both films..
but mahal kan? tapi i think berbaloi baloi.
u know what, i baru pakai first roll tapi dah plan nak kumpul duit sebab nak have another collection of lomo.aha.

kat Japan ada jual lomo jugak tak? murah murah?
sebab i terfikir nak buli cousin i suruh belikan.

amsyar said...

yeah mahal jugak.
sama like me la. always simpan duit nak beli film and such.
but now tak rasa macam nak a new camera. pasal baru beli dua kan ?

yes ada ! dekat sana even ada kedai lomo. and murah tu tak sure.
baik suruh dia beli. kalau tak rugi. haha

wanny said...

thats y.murah rezeki gila eh u. dua sekali.untung u have parents yang support your hobby.
my parents tak tau pun i beli ni.
esok kalau tunjuk,confirm dia cakap mainan apa ni?
haha :D

amsyar said...

eh my parents tak support. well my dad. my mum macam tak kisah sangat
I everything i tanggung. duit film, camera, process. everything.
and my dad tak tahu pun.
masa pergi holiday tu baru dia tahu yang I ada lomo cause I ajak dia pergi kedai lomo sana.
tapi entah macam mana dia kata nak belikan. rezeki jangan ditolak :)

Les Deux Clothing said...

Like this!!! :) Gud one. Ape yang you cakap semua betul. Masa I tak kenal Lomo dulu pun I takde hobi. Bosan je hidup. Sekarang lebih colourful. After all, Lomo is all about colours. Lucky U. I yang jual Lomo pun tak penah pergi kedai sebenar Lomo. Kalau I pergi mesti tak nak keluar agaknya.

wanny said...

amsyar ; rezeki u la. punya banyak camera u baru dia tahu?
hihih.i pun guna duit sendiri. i simpan duit scholar i.haha.tapi i rasa mmg diorang takkan support apa yang i minat ni.especially my dad.
ibu i maybe okay kalau nak pow kekadang.aha

lisya ; yeah its true.i gila addicted tgk gambar lomo kat flickr.suka sangat.its good kita dah ada hobby kan? kat KL takda kedai ke? i heard kat gardens ada satu?

amsyar said...

actually, malaysia dulu ada kedai lomo. an official lomography embassy. dia dekat tepi kedai cupcake wondermilk. owner wondermilk is malaysia punya ambassador. I saw a few pictures of the shop. sorry to say but memang tak se-impressive as kedai dekat luar negara. I think the shop closed down cause tak laku sangat. since still tak ramai yang kenal lomo at the time. but dia still jual lomo dekat kedai cupcake tu.

KL ada. kedai baju mooks ada. and mooks ada dekat gardens, pavilion.

wanny said...

i ada visit website wondermilk+ memang macam tak da pape dah. takpe.beli kat lisya.cepat je sampai.hihi ;)

amsyar said...

hahaha betul ! service pun bagus !

Les Deux Clothing said...

Haha. Korang puji2 ni ada apa2 ke? :D

amsyar said...

me memang ikhlas memuji
wanny tak tahu la xD

wanny said...

hish ! I puji ikhlas okay.memang cepat pun u hantar.

Les Deux Clothing said...

haha.kami memang believe in fast shipping and good service. Thanks Wanny and Amsyar for crediting me. Anyway, betul cakap Amsyar. Dunno what happened to our Lomo Embassy it seems budak2 Lomokids lagi active in terms of activities and online shop daripada the Embassy itself. Its kinda sad. Recently, I bought Vienna Lomo Notebook kat dalam notebook tu nama Lomo Embassy Malaysia dah takde padahal yang dalam Lomo Notebook earlier edition ada tau. Tak tau kenape yang later version nama Lomo Embassy Malaysia dah takde.

amsyar said...

haha takpa. tunggu la lagi few year. I'll open the new Lomo embassy malaysia :D