

Since I havent sent my films to the shop yet,
I thought I'd do a quick review on both my cameras
since I used it quite alot
in a short amount of time.

The Holga 135BC is my first lomo camera
Great for beginners
simple to use
and like every other Holgas,
It gives you amazing yet unpredictable results.
I love how despite the fact that it uses plastic lens
( and I dont like that fact )
the pictures it gives you turn out grainy
and the colours are very vibrant
Which is what I love
and seek in when using a Lomo cam.
Its also great for events
Since its easy to use,
Its also fast.
Making it a good companion when you just need to take pictures
during events.
You dont need to care about the aperture
or the shutter speed.
Pretty good for a plastic camera.
Also, the multiple exposure on this camera
is just absolutely beautiful.
If you're thinking of joining Lomography,
The Holga 135BC is a great camera to start off your journey.
I'm glad I got this instead of the Holga 135 that I originally wanted.

If youre into Lomography
And you're addicted,
1 camera is surely not enough.
You just want to try all the cameras there is.
Same thing happened to me.
Which is why I bought my Smena 8m.
The Smena slowed me down a little bit when taking pictures.
Which is or can be a good thing
Because it made me look at things twice
It opened my eyes
It made me say
" hey, that could be a nice picture ! "
When its actually just a picture of a dust bin or something
The Smena is a bit more tricky than the Holga
You have the aperture,
the shutter speed
shutter cock
Those are the things you have to worry about
Except the shutter cock.
just make sure your fingers don't get in the way.
But the above mentioned things can be your best friends once you get the hang of them.
Them combined with your Smena's glass lens
gives you the nicest and clearest pictures
Just like you wanted them to be
But can also be unpredictable ;)
I dont really recommend it for beginners tho
If youre a beginner,
stick with the Holga 135BC,
Fisheye or Diana Mini
Or any MultiLens Lomocam.

So which camera do I prefer ?
My Smena 8m actually.
I just like how it feels in my hands
and I love its pictures
I love the way it looks
and I love the way that it just follows everything I want
without complaining.

But hey, that's just between those two.
I've still got my Fed 3 that I've still yet to try.
Also, I bought ANOTHER camera during my vacation.
Try and guess what it is !
Everyone can guess except for Aizi.

Oh, just on a side note,
I didnt buy the new camera with my money.
Its actually my PMR present.


wanny said...

amsyar gila lomo !
envy gila sebab u banyak camera.hihi
let me guess.your new camera is... LC-A camera.
betul ke??

amsyar said...

haha memang kemaruk :/
haha nope.
but it was between lc-a and this camera.
the next camera I wanna buy is definitely lc-a :D

wanny said...

haha.haish .tak dapat teka.i tatau sangat pasal lomo.huhu.

amsyar said...

haha takpa.
biar orang lain teka. if tak dapat nanti i post pasal the camera :)

Les Deux Clothing said...

Hmm...rasanya horizon perfect/kompakt. Takde hint sket ke? Anyway, you tak add ke Fed3 u kat geavity? Haha.

amsyar said...

haha tak. masa tu tak terfikir pulak nak beli horizon.
uh, hint dia is um.
price dia around sama dengan horizon jugak ?

and thanks for reminding me :D

Les Deux Clothing said...

Hmm...Olympus E-620? Amsyar beli digital cam.traitor! Haha. No prob.anyway I dah received my Fed3 and my Fed 5b. Tak sabar nak try.

amsyar said...

eh tak tak ! memang takkan beli digital :D

oh yeah ? bestnya ! show me the photos nanti !
i've yet to try my fed 3 jugak.
maybe this week or after my exams

Les Deux Clothing said...

Haha.gud to know. Hardcore lomo fans!!! We are on the same boat here. Yup. Will do. Nanti kita try sama2. Compare2. U beli fed 3 yang type a ke b?

wanny said...

ala korang fed 3. tak geng la ngan diana mini,huhu.

korang memang lomo freak ! haha :D

Les Deux Clothing said...

Eh tak tak I pun pakai Diana Mini tau. Mira, my business partner pun pakai Diana Mini gak. Comey! Tak macam Diana F+. Haha. Jangan marah kepada Diana F+ hardcore user. Me no hater :D

imejiner said...

good tips. sgt stuju dgn kau =)

kalau holga, angkat, terus klik.
kalau smena, kena study dulu. im study too much to learn about smena.

kau beli lubitel?

amsyar said...

lisya: haha yeah. boleh exchange tips. type B. eventho type a in my opinion lagi lawa, its harder to find and a bit more expensive when everything else is just the same. So lagi senang beli type b. also, I'd prefer the mini instead of f+ anytime. memang cute !

wanny: haha but kita still gang lomo ! and thanks :D

tort: haha thanks. and betul !

Les Deux Clothing said...

Wah wah. Lubitel tu. Cayala Amsyar. Lepas ni boleh la add kat geavity gak :) Congratz! Anyway, my fed 3 also type B and yeah I do feel that type A is sexier. U beli Lubitel tu kat Lomography LA ke?

amsyar said...

haha thanks. my one ( 166+ ) takda dekat geavity ):
as long as we have the camera. that's what counts.
yeah I did. dapat discount. lol

Les Deux Clothing said...

u beli last week kan? ada retail therapy.patutnya u dapat banyak free gift.but then u dapat diskaun. Gud 4 u.

amsyar said...

I think tu only apply dekat LSI or beli from their website.
plus kedai dekat LA still very new