Three posts today
Crazy, eh ?
But I mean, why not ?
I havent posted anything in awhile so I guess this makes up for it.
I think for this post
I'll rojak.
So okay
If ada siapa yang guna Russian Cameras,
Even Lomo cameras macam my Smena 8m,
Diaorang tahu that Russian Cameras takda vignette.
I like vignettes
So hari tu terfikir how to make my pictures have vignettes.
Then teringat yang my friend
Farid @ Ahleng
( Do visit his blog. Dia teramat cool dan creative ! Haha ! )
ada buat modification dekat smena dia
and gambar-gambar dia ada vignettes !
So I asked him how he did it.
Dia rupanya letak kertas depan lens and tebuk lobang in the middle.
He actually made a star.
And bila fikir balik, agak logic.
Cause cameras macam Diana F+
Yang vignette dia macam orang gila
ada lubang kecik je actually.
So more or less macam pinhole.
Also my Smena dah habis its modification
I set the aperture on 5.6
and Its speed
between 1/60 and 1/125.
Just to try out, yknw ?
So tomorrow maybe nak cuba shoot test roll.
Using my Kodak Max
Cause ada 24 frames sahaja.
Til then
Crazy, eh ?
But I mean, why not ?
I havent posted anything in awhile so I guess this makes up for it.
I think for this post
I'll rojak.
So okay
If ada siapa yang guna Russian Cameras,
Even Lomo cameras macam my Smena 8m,
Diaorang tahu that Russian Cameras takda vignette.
I like vignettes
So hari tu terfikir how to make my pictures have vignettes.
Then teringat yang my friend
Farid @ Ahleng
( Do visit his blog. Dia teramat cool dan creative ! Haha ! )
ada buat modification dekat smena dia
and gambar-gambar dia ada vignettes !
So I asked him how he did it.
Dia rupanya letak kertas depan lens and tebuk lobang in the middle.
He actually made a star.
And bila fikir balik, agak logic.
Cause cameras macam Diana F+
Yang vignette dia macam orang gila
ada lubang kecik je actually.
So more or less macam pinhole.
Also my Smena dah habis its modification
I set the aperture on 5.6
and Its speed
between 1/60 and 1/125.
Just to try out, yknw ?
So tomorrow maybe nak cuba shoot test roll.
Using my Kodak Max
Cause ada 24 frames sahaja.
Til then
thanks sbb link..hoho
selamat mencuba!
smena pon ada vignette..cuma tak jelas dan mcm segan2 la vignette tu...vignette smena boleh dpat kalo gne aperture f/4..
No problem :D
Yeah but kebanyakannya tak nampak kan ?
F/4 ? bukan tu aperture paling besar ke ?
Bukan kalau lagi banyak light masuk, lagi kurang vignette ?
ntah mat salleh kat flickr yg ckap gtu..haha..aku mmg tak amek kesah tntang setting2 ni..huhu
oh yeah ? nanti lepas roll ni aku cuba
kalau jadi nanti aku bagitahu kau :)
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