Okay this was suggested by my friend Fatah
Congratulations on the new camera by the way.
I've actually been wanting to do this for awhile
but never got the time to do it.
And I actually wanted to make a video about it
but I'm sick at the moment.
Okay first here's a video on how to load any lubitel camera
So now, we learn how to focus using the lubitel.
Focusing is really easy.
Once you've mastered the focusing on the lubitel,
Focusing on any other TLR camera will definitely be easy for you.
So okay, open the top part
So okay, open the top part
of the lubitel
So now what you'll have is this
So now what you'll have is this
okay so now to focus.
So can you see that circle in the middle of the viewfinder ?
You have to focus using that.
You cant really see it but theres a small circle in the bigger circle
and theres a line in the middle of the smaller circle.

If you notice,the image above the line is different than the one below the line.
So what you want to do is you turn the ring from the lower lens
like the picture above
until both images
(top and bottom of the smaller circle)
are the same.
And once they're the same,
the object is in focus.
Its actually very very easy.
Another way to focus without using the line
is to aim the subject on the 2 circles
and turn the ring on the lower lens
until that subject is very clear on the circles
and the background is blur.
Once that happens, the subject is in focus.
Some photographers use this method
because its actually a bit faster than the line method.
Okay so now for the setting
this is where people are usually worried about.
I understand that despite being a Lomo camera,
the lubitel IS harder to use than any other lomocams.
But its okay, one of the things that I enjoy about the Lubitel is how you have to
take your time to set everything
THEN take take your photo.
Okay so if you buy the lubitel 166+ like i did
you'll be given this chart
So can you see that circle in the middle of the viewfinder ?
You have to focus using that.
You cant really see it but theres a small circle in the bigger circle
and theres a line in the middle of the smaller circle.
If you notice,the image above the line is different than the one below the line.
So what you want to do is you turn the ring from the lower lens
like the picture above
until both images
(top and bottom of the smaller circle)
are the same.
And once they're the same,
the object is in focus.
Its actually very very easy.
Another way to focus without using the line
is to aim the subject on the 2 circles
and turn the ring on the lower lens
until that subject is very clear on the circles
and the background is blur.
Once that happens, the subject is in focus.
Some photographers use this method
because its actually a bit faster than the line method.
Okay so now for the setting
this is where people are usually worried about.
I understand that despite being a Lomo camera,
the lubitel IS harder to use than any other lomocams.
But its okay, one of the things that I enjoy about the Lubitel is how you have to
take your time to set everything
THEN take take your photo.
Okay so if you buy the lubitel 166+ like i did
you'll be given this chart
So this is just a ROUGH guideline
on how to set your lubitel.
If you're a beginner, you can apply it.
But I actually never did.
I did alot of experimentation instead.
The mystery dial on the side of the lubitels
does not affect the pictures in any way.
they are just there to remind you
of the ISO of the film you're using so that you wont forget.
Well that's about it.
If you need to ask something,
drop a comment and I'll update this post according to the question
Well that's about it.
If you need to ask something,
drop a comment and I'll update this post according to the question
terbaik..ni mmg berguna ni bro :)
haha thanks :)
aku rasa macam tak cukup je. aha
wahduh. post bagus ni. terima kasih amsyar. aku dah try tengok kat tengah viewfinder, tapi BETUL, takde garis. tapi bila perhatikan betul betul (aku cuba fokus kanister film), boleh nampak dia makin blur dan fade away bila kita pusing2 fokus tu.
tentang table tu, aku nak try cari gak. boleh lekat kat belakang luby nih. ada ruang lapang.
terima kasih amsyar. ada apa apa lagi, aku tanya oke. jangan bosan. haha. :P
lagi satu, kat belah kanan luby tu, ada meter nak setting iso/asa. ada gambar mentol dan matahari. camner tuh?
baca manual, tak faham. -_-
terima kasih banyak amsyar. :)
no problem :)
lubitel sangat macam complicated.
but it looks interesting.
film akan lambat habis.
yeah complicated sikit
but yeah, memang interesting.
kita jadi macam appreciate each and every photo yang kita ambik
ade yg pernah pakai 35mm film dlm ni camera tk?
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