

Okay this is the tutorial I promised to make.
This tutorial will make you have this torn black corners effect. like this

This modification is really easy to do
and it can be done on both 35mm and 120mm cameras.
First, you need

DSC00810 by KarmaKao.

Paper ( its better to use black but normal ones are fine )
And tape.

First, tear off your papers into 4 like this.

DSC00822 by KarmaKao.

Remember to tear it off
not cut it.

Open the back of your camera.
Cut some tape and paste the papers on the frame.

It will look something like this

DSC00809 by KarmaKao.

I did this modification on a Smena 8m.
If you use one, you'll notice that there's this thing here

DSC00812 by KarmaKao.

Make sure you dont cover it with either the tape or the paper.
Make sure you adjust the paper in a way that it will avoid from covering it.

It would look something like this.

DSC00816 by KarmaKao.

This only applies for the Smena cameras or any cameras that have that.
Other cameras dont have that.
Like my Holga 135BC

DSC00824 by KarmaKao.

If your camera is like this, then you can just paste the papers normally.

Now load your camera with a roll of film and shoot away !
I hope you learnt something from this tutorial.
If you dont understand anything, you can post a comment or
ask your question on my chatbox.


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